About Reiki

The history of Reiki

Reiki translates to 'universal life energy’. It is a system of energy healing originating from Japan which is now widely practiced around the world. This healing tradition was founded by the Buddhist monk Dr Mikao Usui at the turn of the nineteenth century and evolved as a result of his research, experience and dedication.

Reiki channels life force energy through the practitioner for the client’s highest good. The simplest way to explain Reiki is that it is an all-knowing form of energy and flows where it is needed. When our energy flow is uninterrupted there is balance and harmony within and around us and we experience a sense of well-being. Uninterrupted energy flow helps to activate the natural healing processes in the body. Reiki works at bringing us into balance and is believed to reinforce the body’s natural ability to heal itself at all levels, whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. The tradition is open to any belief system as it is not aligned to any religion.

Life force energy

Reiki is available in various NHS settings, including hospitals, hospices, and community health centres. It is often used alongside conventional medical treatments to provide holistic care to patients. Over 57 NHS hospitals offer Reiki, and some have their own in-house Reiki Therapist. It should not, be regarded as a cure for conditions. As a natural form of healing Reiki can support and enhance other forms of treatment

Reiki and the NHS

Energy flow

Our bodies are energetic in nature. When a practitioner is performing Reiki the energy that flows from their hands produces a bio magnetic reading (7-10Hz – Theta and Alpha range) which is associated with physical healing.

Healing hands close to lady's head
Healing hands close to lady's head

What is Reiki and how does it work

During a treatment

During a treatment, Reiki flows through a purified channel within the body of the practitioner from the Universal Energy source. The channel has been opened in the practitioner via an attunement process received as part of their Usui Reiki training. The Attunements are an ancient process for optimising the physical and etheric bodies to a higher vibratory level and open a purified channel in the body for the energy to pass through.

Healing hands over lady's body
Healing hands over lady's body